Snipe and develop your own fashion line

Getting Started In The Fashion Industry Can Be Hard work-  So Let You in On the Professional Secrets to Getting The Killer Job You Have Always Wanted!  

Discover How You Can Achieve Your Ultimate Dream of Becoming a Professional Fashion Designer !!

Discover How to Draw Your Designs like a Pro!!

Get the Dream Job You've Always Wanted
Get Paid for What You Love Doing!
Start Your Very Own Fashion Line with Your Own Name!!
Hot Tips from the Pros! Learn the Fashion Industry Secrets!!
Save thousands on Fashion Course Fees!
Learn How to Start Your Own Fashion Business and Be Successful!

Trend Forecasting Tips-   stay ahead of the fashion trends!
How to Find a Clothing Manufacturer to make Your Clothes!

Yes! Fashion Designers Get Paid $50-$100k A Year..

Yes its true. Fashion Designers are paid up to $100k a year. Why? Because it is hard to find good fashion talent out there.
After-all, you are designing clothes for thousands of people to wear!
 In The Fashion Industry Its Not 'What' You Know But Rather 'Who' You Know!

"With over 10 years experience in the fashion industry, I have worked as a Fashion Designer and Ladies-wear buyer and I get to travel overseas 3 times a year to Tokyo, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Sydney and L.A.

As a Professional Fashion Designer I developed a skill to be able to predict what was going to be in fashion next, and what was going to sell!  Fashion isn't about  how good you can draw or sketch, or how good you can sew a garment.

Fashion Design is all about knowing what people want to wear and developing a garment that will sell at the right price to your customer!

Here are My Top 5 Tips for Getting Into The Fashion Industry:

1. Have Passion (for fashion)

2. Have Knowledge of new trends and emerging labels (know your competition)

3. Know what sells and what customers want to wear…

4. Be Prepared to do what it takes and work your way up

5. Know how the fashion industry and retail industry works.

I have put a fashion course together from my experience as a successful fashion designer to help fashionistas like yourself get into the industry and start their careers..

Yes! You Could Be The Next Successful Fashion Designer!

It doesn't matter how old you are: 14 or 40 years old- it's never to early or too late to start your fashion designing career! Yes -It's a shame for you not to make good money in this industry- when you have all the talent within you already. You just need to know how to get started!

Could Your Designs Be On This Catwalk?

You Are Born To Be A Fashion Designer If....

You spend your weekends at the mall/ shopping centre- you just LOVE fashion!
 You have  'Passion'  for your  'Fashion'

You have attention to detail

You are easily inspired and like being around creative and inspiring people

You have loads of ideas for clothes and accessories

You absolutely LOVE the new season trends and cant wait to get your hands on the latest new looks!

If It Has Been 'YOUR DREAM' To Become A Fashion Designer, Or Start Your Own Fashion Line-  You Are In The Right Place At The Right Time!

Maybe You Could Be The Next 'Project- Runway' Winner ?